Wednesday 29 May 2024


32° 38' 55" N 16° 58' 40" W

The parish of Câmara de Lobos was born with the discovery of the island. Its name is justified as follows by Gaspar Frutuoso in the book As Saudades da Terra: "From here they passed further until they came to a thin rock, shaped like a low point, which goes far into the sea; and between this rock and another there is an arm from sea to backwater, where nature made a large cave, like a chamber of stone and living rock. Here they went in with the boats and found so many sea lions, which was astonishing and was no small refreshment and pastime for us; They killed many of them and had a lot of pleasure and celebration in the killing, Captain João Gonçalves gave this backwater Câmara de Lobos".

The parish is limited to the East by Ribeira dos Socorris, to the North by the Parish of Estreito, to the West by Quinta Grande, and to the South by the sea. It is made up of the following sites: Caldeira, Caminho Grande and Preces, Caminho Grande and Ribeiro da Alforra, Cruz da Caldeira, Espírito Santo, Facho, Fajã, Garachico, Eras, Jesus Maria José, Lourencinha, Nogueira, Palmeira, Panasqueira, Pé-de -Pico, Pedregal, Quinta do Leme, Rancho, Ribeira da Caixa, Ribeiro de Alforra and Fonte Garcia, Ribeiro Real, Saraiva, Serrado da Adega, Serrado do Mar, Torre, Vila and Ilhéu.

The main church, dedicated to Saint Sebastian, his patron saint, was probably built in the 16th century. The first Franciscan convent founded outside of Funchal was built here, whose owner was S. Bernardino de Sena.

Since ancient times, it has been one of the most important fishing centers in the archipelago, with its fishermen's main specialization being fishing for black scabbardfish.

From the beginning, it was a chosen area of ​​colonization, with the inhabitants dedicating themselves to agricultural exploration, with emphasis on fruits. Today, vineyards and bananas occupy the largest area of ​​agricultural exploitation, and there are also tanneries and dairies.

An Industrial Park was built on the riverbed of Ribeira dos Socorris, where some of the most important regional companies were installed, such as the Madeira Electricity Company, the Beer Company, and the Civil Construction company Avelino Farinha e Agrela.

Places of tourist interest: Ilhéu, Cabo Girão and Pico da Torre viewpoints, Salinas and Forno da Cal, Levada da Fajã, Levada do Norte, Quinta de São João, Pico do Rancho, Praia do Vigário and fishing port.

County Headquarters
Area: 7.62 km²
Population: 16,552 inhabitants (2021 Census)
Accommodations: 6,465 accommodations
The main activities are: agriculture, soft drinks industry, fishing, commerce and services.

Natural Heritage of the Parish of Câmara de Lobos - Ilhéu
The Ilhéu de Câmara de Lobos displays itself on a rocky opponent.

Here, it is currently possible to enjoy a beautiful garden and simultaneously enjoy a superb landscape over the city of Câmara de Lobos, the Cabo Girão promontory and the vast ocean.

However, this same place was once a traditional fishing neighborhood, being at the time the most densely populated in Madeira.

The name Ilhéu is due to its beginnings, when it was not yet connected to the land, forming a small isolated island that was later united due to landslides coming from the slopes.

When it comes to the history of this islet, although it is not a unanimous statement, some point out that this was the first home of João Gonçalves Zarco, arguing that he lived here between 1420 and 1424.

Thus, this is a space located in the parish of Câmara de Lobos that is worth preserving, not only for its natural beauty but also for the fact that this islet is a storyteller that is worth transmitting to future generations. .

Therefore, it is concluded that places like these, endowed with beauty at various levels (natural, cultural, historical), are associated with an increased responsibility on the part of all individuals, with it being a duty, as citizens, to seek to conserve the existing heritage and legacy, in the short, medium and long term, although this care does not invalidate responsible exploration.

Sea of ​​Hope Sculpture
The Mar de Esperança sculpture is located on Rua Nova da Praia and is dated 2004. Its author is Francisco Lucena. Mar de Esperança Sculpture The sculpture's name Mar de Esperança aims to portray and immortalize the close relationship of the population of Câmara de Lobos and their connection to the sea.

Câmara de Lobos Bay

The uniqueness of the Câmara de Lobos Bay was immortalized by Winston Churchill on the day when, in January 1950, sitting at the Espírito Santo Viewpoint, facing the sea, he set up his easel and painted a picture that he would never forget. 

After just over seventy years, Madeira's landscape has changed significantly but the picturesque charm of this small cove remained virtually unchanged. 

It is not by chance that all travel itineraries about the archipelago include a visit to the Câmara de Lobos Bay... the sensation is that of strolling along a small village by the sea, where the streets are dotted with cosy bars, souvenir shops, restaurants serving traditional delicacies and even a chapel... 

The beauty of this scenery is only enhanced by the colorful fishing boats, the famous xavelhas in Madeiran jargon, waving in the blue of the sea. Sweeten your visit with the traditional poncha or, if you're hungry, enjoy a dish with freshly caught fish. In any case, breathe in the uniqueness of the landscape around you, with the certainty that you are in one of the most authentic settings of Madeiran daily life.

Câmara de Lobos Bay is the eternal calling card of this seaside town. An authentic setting that has dazzled visitors over decades.


Vigário Beach
32.648894, -16.979559
Despite being considerably long, the coast of Câmara de Lobos does not have the same number of bathing resorts as its neighbouring towns. Therefore, the Vigário beach is the main option for bathing. For this reason, it is commonly referred to as 'the beach of Câmara de Lobos'.

Around 400 metres long, it is made up of pebbles of different sizes. Choose a space with plenty of smaller stones, ideal for spreading your towel and relaxing. The mild water temperature ranges from 18°C to 24°C, depending on the time of year. After taking a few dips, you can enjoy one of the nearby cafés and restaurants.

If you've ever come across old photographs of the region showing women washing clothes on a beach or pictures of towels and sheets lying on the hot pebbles, 'bleaching in the sun', it's likely they were taken here, on Vigário beach. Until the 1970s, few households had piped water and there was no municipal well. Thus, the mouth of Ribeira do Vigário was the only place for washing clothes.

The Vigário beach is the main bathing resort in the city of Câmara de Lobos. South of Largo da República, it is free and has several services nearby.

São Sebastião Church

32.648922, -16.977903

The center of Câmara de Lobos invites you to take a stroll and enjoy the city's unique atmosphere. It is a town rich in traditions, stories, and, of course, a rich historical heritage. One of its most outstanding elements is the São Sebastião Church, which is six centuries old.

It was 1426 when, by order of Prince Henry the Navigator, the then-São Sebastião Chapel was built in honor of this saint. Later, in the 17th and 18th centuries, the growth of the local population led to work being carried out on this temple. It was necessary to renovate and expand the chapel, which thus became what is now São Sebastião Church.

This is a Baroque religious monument. It has three naves and a high altar with gilded woodwork. The Santíssimo Sacramento chapel comprises an 18th-century tile panel representing the Agnus Dei.

Outside, we should highlight the pebble-stone family crest of João Gonçalves Zarco, the navigator who discovered the island and lived here between 1420 and 1424. On 20 January, the feast in honor of São Sebastião is celebrated here.


The Baroque São Sebastião Church is located in the center of Câmara de Lobos. Built-in 1426, it is one of the most outstanding elements of the city's historical heritage.

Nossa Senhora da Conceição Chapel

 32.648324, -16.975336

The entire territory of the archipelago of Madeira is deeply marked by religion. One of its most obvious expressions is the wealth and diversity of temples we can find here. In the municipality of Câmara de Lobos, next to its famous bay, you'll find the Nossa Senhora da Conceição Chapel.

It is known that the chapel was built at the end of the 15th century, but the story behind its construction is unclear and, as such, its founders are unknown. Some architectural elements still remain from when it was built, such as the bell tower and the holy water fonts. The Nossa Senhora da Conceição Chapel was rebuilt in 1702 and its structure underwent some changes. The rebuilding gave it a single nave with a gable façade and a Mannerist portico, with a perfect round arch and a triangular pediment at the top.

Between 1723 and 1908, it underwent successive restorations until it was given the shape we see today. The gilded woodwork altar is Baroque. Inside, you can also find paintings by painters Nicolau Ferreira and Luís Bernes. The Nossa Senhora da Conceição Chapel was classified as a Monument of Municipal Interest in 1993.

On 8 December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated here.

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